Free sample chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 17, Chapter 19 & Chapter 20
Section 1 – Identifying Your Skeletons
1. How Many Skeletons Do You Have? *free sample chapter*
2. Why Look for Skeletons?
3. Identifying Your Skeletons
4. Skeletons in the Kitchen
5. Skeleton Sorting
6. More Skeleton Sorting
Section 2 – No More Denial
7. Accepting Your Closet-Dwellers
8. Taking Ownership of Your Skeletons
9. Overcoming Shame
10. Pain Avoidance
11. The Danger of Busyness
12. Fear of Skeletons
13. The Blame Game
14. It’s Not a Battle
15. Focus on the Positive
16. The Cure for Self-Pity
17. Getting Off the Emotional Roller Coaster *free sample chapter*
18. A Few Words About Ego
19. What About Anger? *free sample chapter*
20. Finding Forgiveness *free sample chapter*
21. God and Your Skeletons
22. Suffering and Free Will
Section 3 – Care and Maintenance of Your Skeletons
23. Recurring Skeletons
24. When the Skeletons Rattle the Door
25. Perspective of Time
26. New Owner’s Guide
27. Do They Ever Disappear?
28. Skeleton Maintenance
29. Glass Closet Doors
30. Cultivating Hope