Darkest Days

Happy last-day-of February! I know this can be a tough month, but we made it! 🙂

Hope Flickers

It’s always darkest before the dawn,
or so the saying goes.
I beg to differ.

I’d say it’s always darkest when you feel alone,
like no one understands you,
like no one cares.

The darkest days are those
when you cannot think a happy thought,
when you cannot smile,
and all you see is the abyss of your mood,
deep and dark,
like a bottomless pit
pulling you down.

And then you see a glimmer.
You start to think that maybe someone does care.
You are finally able to see the
flicker of understanding in someone’s eyes.

Like a faint smudge of aurora,
your hope grows.
Although it flickers at times,
it isn’t long before
it learns to dance.
A breathtaking glowing curtain rises
on a new life for you.
You dare to hope,
you dare to believe
in something good,
something lovely.

Until one day, quite unexpectedly,
your smile erupts
and as though transfixed by an incredible aurora,
you stand in awe of the beauty
and potential
and boundlessness
of all your blessings.

Relating to the Future

Although the skeletons in your closet are all about the past, it is very important to consider how you relate to the future. As I talk about in the last chapter of Love Your Skeletons, finding a way to have hope is crucial.

Even if your past is a mess of mistakes, abuse, bad parents, crazy friends and terrible relationships, the future isn’t written yet. Life can be anything you make it. But you have to learn to leave the past behind and look forward with hope — make plans, imagine the best, think kind thoughts about yourself — in order to make a new future.

How can you actually do this? It’s not as hard as you think. Here are a few ideas:

-Think of someone who is successful, and imagine that she had a messed-up past too. She found a way to overcome whatever happened, love herself and allow her abundance and success to come in! Now imagine that you can do the same!

– Whenever you feel tempted to deny yourself something you enjoy, or punish yourself, take a deep breath and say “I am not going to be mean to myself. I am a good person. I deserve good things in my life.”

– Sit down in the morning with a hot cup of coffee or tea and watch the sun rise. As its rays lighten the sky and then break over the horizon, hopefulness comes naturally.

Photo by Mary Klassen

Ridiculous Hope

I stumbled upon this video and it impacted me so greatly, I wanted to share it with all of you!

Can you see how the Law of Attraction is at work in this amazing woman’s life?

Can you see how a positive attitude and love of music saved them, even though from one perspective it seems ridiculous? And it not only saved their lives, it saved their sanity and their lives.

So how could you use this same principle to ignore your dreary or discouraging surroundings — which are far less serious than what they faced — focus on something beautiful or lovely or have fun anyway?

Can you muster up some “ridiculous hope” to help yourself through a tough time?

Just some things to think about!